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"But he grew old...

this knight so bold...

And o'er his heart a shadow

Fell as he found

No spot of ground

That looked like Eldorado."

                                                    Edgar Allen Poe



My first novel "In God's Image was a dystopia themed story of a man who cloned human beings to take over the world. Transgressing into the realm of creation, Doctor Drexler believes he is the Anti-Christ and puts himself on even terms with The Creator. This sets the stage for an earthly battle that echoes through the heavens. The story is filled with action and intrigue as the hero is cast reluctantly into the eye of the storm. In the course of events he hunts cold blooded killers, searches for answers to cryptic messages from a senescent prophet of God, and engages in mortal combat that will ultimately decide the fate of the world. Amidst the carnage and confusion of the ultimate confrontation, he finds himself and learns that the value of a single human life is immeasurable.


Available in paperback and e-book on  



It is easy to see the evil in the world. We believe in evil because it screams out at us through its ugly, naked truth. It slaps us in the face on the nightly news and haunts the electronic devices we have come to know and love. And the good, it travels meekly behind unnoticed by everyone but God.


The demon is with you in the darkness,

whispering in deafening tones, 

haunting and taunting,

daring and daunting,

capturing souls for his own.

So you look to the truth, the way and the light

but the demon is there with you on bended knees

praying and baying,

delaying and allaying

the intensity of your pleas.

If there is any deliverance from being thus enticed 

Dispel the demon in the name of Jesus Christ


Coming Soon "Demon's Door"

Damnation Books




Sanburg's allusion to "little cat feet." 
The illusion is clouds as ships in ghost grey fleet.
Mounds of mist that make light dim
and feed the fear at twilight's rim.
All that's evil, ebon, eerie...
crimes so dismal, dark and dreary...
Sired in the depths of a shadowed soul...
that throws writhing bodies in a shallow hole.
Afraid to walk the streets at night...
knowing what fog does to light.
Are we products of this age...
adjusting to each other's rage.
Fear no walk - through nature's misted face...
relax enjoy her endless space.
On your knees poor fool to pray...
you cannot escape mankind's decay.
Deny that you are Satan's whore...
and greet your demons at the door.
             R. Christopher Tait
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